UPDATE v1.7.7.2 – 06-02-2025
updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v6.3.12
UPDATE v1.7.7 – 24-12-2024
added: text align justify option to QT: Heading Elementor widget
added: customizer option to display author box on single blog posts
added: more social link options to QT: Team Member Elementor widgets
improved: removed no longer needed -webkit CSS prefixes from style.css
improved: reordered and added various customization settings to QT Elementor widgets
updated: WooCommerce mini-cart template file version number
updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v6.3.11
updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.6.3
UPDATE v1.7.6.2 – 03-10-2024
updated: WooCommerce mini cart template version number
UPDATE v1.7.6.1 – 12-09-2024
improved: added swiper style dependency for future Elementor update
updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO to v6.3.6
updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.6.2
UPDATE v1.7.6 – 27-08-2024
fixed: breadcrumbs trial still visible after deactivating breadcrumbs plugin or disabling Yoast SEO breadcrumb feature
fixed: PHP error for slider button colors
improved: WPML automatic translation screen compatibility
improved: added is_dynamic_content Elementor function to QT Elementor widgets to improve server performance
added: icon setting for QT: Button Elementor widget
added: text color setting for input fields QT: Contact Form 7 element
added: setting to highlight current day for opening hours widgets (Elementor and native widget)
added: current day color settings for QT: Opening Hours Elementor widget
added: customizer setting to hide scroll to top button for mobile screens
added: customizer setting for sidebar width
added: customizer setting to set single blog post title as page heading title
added: customizer setting to hide featured image on single blog post
added: customizer setting to translate previous & next blog pagination button texts
updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v3.3.5
updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.6.1
UPDATE v1.7.5 – 24-06-2024
updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v6.3.2
UPDATE v1.7.4 – 06-05-2024
fixed: old Twitter icon replaced with X icon
improved: removed ACF PRO dashboard notice about HTML output
updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v6.2.9
updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.6
UPDATE v1.7.3.1 – 18-03-2024
fixed: z-index on Elementor sections
UPDATE v1.7.3 – 06-03-2024
fixed: icon box icon size and color improved: WooCommerce cart and checkout blocks front-end styling improved: Elementor section/column alignment updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v6.2.7
UPDATE v1.7.2 – 23-11-2023
-- wordpress 6.4 compatible — added: page title and page subtitle font sizes customizer settings added: breadcrumbs font sizes customizer setting added: mobile font size settings to existing content and navigation font size setting added: page header top and bottom spacing customizer settings added: content area top and bottom spacing customizer settings added: footer area top and bottom spacing customizer settings updated: improved customizer design for better distinction between sections updated: Booked plugin to updated: ACF PRO plugin to v6.2.3 updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.5.9
UPDATE v1.7.1 – 22-09-2023
added: image size setting to QT: Homepage Slider Elementor block fixed: QT: Homepage Slider Elementor block fixed: customizer topbar alignment setting fixed: Booked front-end profile page styling improved: replaced theme customizer checkbox controls with toggle switches updated: Booked plugin to v2.4.4 updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v6.2.1.1 updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.5.8
UPDATE v1.7 – 02-08-2023
added: image size setting for Elementor QT: Featured Page, QT: Latest News and QT: Facilities widgets fixed: Elementor PRO header/footer builder compatibility fixed: blog post date span tag changed to time tag fixed: QT: Featured Page excerpt shows Elementor CSS if post_content is displayed updated: WooCommerce theme template file updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.5.7
UPDATE v1.6.4 – 11-07-2023
added: multiple category select for the Elementor "QT: Latest News" widget fixed: swiper container class in style-rtl.css file fixed: featured page carousel navigation button spacing on mobile screens fixed: QT: Icon Box element SVG icon size control updated: WooCommerce theme template version number updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v6.1.7 updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.5.6
UPDATE v1.6.3 – 09-05-2023
fixed: updated 'swiper-container' carousel class updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO to v6.1.6 updated: Thermen Toolkit to v1.5.5
UPDATE v1.6.2 – 01-05-2023
fixed: replaced deprecated WordPress 6.2 function in demo import file fixed: Elementor compatibility with “Upgrade Swiper Library" setting fixed: sticky mobile navigation toggle updated: SwiperJS to v8.4.5 updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v6.1.4 updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.5.4
UPDATE v1.6.1 – 20-03-2023
fixed: contact form spacing fixed: Elementor widget latest news PHP error fixed: added version number to WooCommerce template file updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.5.3 updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v6.0.7
UPDATE v1.6 – 29-11-2022
added: WooCommerce 7+ compatibility added: WPML new translator screen compatibility added: new Elementor widget - QT: Before / After Slider added: more customization options to QT: Shop Products Elementor widget added: more customization options to QT: Shop Category Elementor widget improved: removed additional RTL stylesheet and replace default stylesheets with RTL stylesheets for performance fixed: QT Background Image multiple widgets on same page issue fixed: Booked Appointment calendar style/design fixed: multiple RTL style issues updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to 6.0.5 updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.5.2
UPDATE v1.5.1 – 01-09-2022
added: 404 page customizer setting to add image added: multiple customization settings to custom Elementor widgets fixed: bottom footer not visible if one side is empty improved: re-ordered settings QreativeThemes Elementor widgets updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v5.12.3 updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.5.1
UPDATE v1.5 – 21-04-2022
added: option to hide image from QT: Featured Page widget fixed: Gutenberg page title color fixed: sidebar block heading size fixed: WooCommerce mobile pagination alignment fixed: few CSS adjustments for RTL websites updated: soft deprecated Elementor functions updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to v5.12.2 updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.5
UPDATE v1.4.3 – 17-12-2021
fixed: Contact Form 7 loader CSS class fixed: Elementor editor z-index issue updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.4.5
UPDATE v1.4.2 – 04-10-2021
fixed: WooCommerce checkout coupon field mobile improvements: performance improvements updated: Thermen Toolkit to v1.4.4
UPDATE v1.4.1 – 21-09-2021
fixed: filterable gallery script loading fixed: shop pagination bottom margin fixed: breadcrumbs customizer panel not visible improved: reduced theme package size with 5.2MB updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO to v5.10.2
UPDATE v1.4 – 20-07-2021
added: WordPress 5.8 compatibility updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO to v5.9.9
UPDATE v1.3.2 – 16-07-2021
fixed: facility carousel CSS fix for Elementor PRO fixed: button rounded search field fix updated: Thermen Toolkit plugin to v1.4.3 updated: Advanced Custom Fields PRO to v5.9.8
UPDATE v1.3.1 – 01-06-2021
added: the_archive_description to category and tag pages added: auto height setting to carousel widgets added: phone number option to team member widgets updated: ACF PRO to v5.9.6 updated: Thermem Toolkit to v1.4.1
UPDATE v1.3 – 20-04-2021
added: p tag to slide heading tag setting added: heading tag setting for latest news widgets fixed: 404 page bottom margin fixed: theme setting button style for WooCommerce fixed: filter gallery widget filter name with spaces fixed: tablet screen sidebar opening hours alignment changed: increased max value for logo width setting improved: heading tag setting output improved: css output for slider updated: filters for one click demo importer plugin updated: demo import xml file updated: WooCommerce mini-cart template file updated: Booked plugin to v3.2.5 updated: Thermen Toolkit to v1.4
UPDATE v1.2.4 – 24-02-2021
fixed: soft deprecated Elementor register_control function fixed: filterable gallery widget height initialize issue fixed: theme customizer header background color output
UPDATE v1.2.3 – 18-02-2021
fixed: issue on theme activation
UPDATE v1.2.2 – 16-02-2021
improved: web.dev accessibility improved: removed unused CSS styles (< 114KB) updated: acf pro to v5.9.5 updated: thermen toolkit to v1.3.2
UPDATE v1.2.1 – 16-01-2021
fixed: alt tag issue for facility widget for PHP 8 updated: acf pro to v5.9.4 updated: thermen toolkit plugin to v1.3.1
UPDATE v1.2 – 11-01-2021
added: Yoast SEO and Rank Math breadcrumb compatibility added: new Elementor widget homepage slider added: pagination margin setting for all carousel elements added: button border settings improved: slide remove button always visible improved: removed contact form 7 html5 filter improved: shop category elementor widget improved: shop products elementor widget fixed: booking modal input field text size fixed: price list mobile styling issue fixed: button styling settings selector fixed: elementor sidebar default widget padding updated: Font Awesome to v5.15.1 updated: thermen toolkit plugin to v1.3
UPDATE v1.1.2 – 17-11-2020
changed: renamed slider menu tab to quick menu updated: acf pro to v5.9.3
UPDATE v1.1.1 – 03-11-2020
added: customizer header search product filter setting improved: reduces search field focus time updated: booked to v2.3 updated: acf pro to v5.9.2
UPDATE v1.1 – 28-10-2020
added: new demo cosmetic shop added: new header layout option added: header shopping cart option added: header search icon option + settings added: elementor element: banner added: customizer setting for submenu active link color added: customizer settings for search page fixed: minor CSS fixes fixed: qt icon box element svg icon controls fixed: customizer slider reset button improved: Elementor font control updated: thermen toolkit plugin to v1.2 updated: booked plugin to v2.3
UPDATE v1.0.5 – 22-09-2020
fixed: header 4 sticky header menu issue
UPDATE v1.0.4 – 07-09-2020
fixed: header layout 4 menu display issue updated: acf pro to v5.9.1
UPDATE v1.0.3 – 07-09-2020
fixed: multiple minor css issues added: new demo thermen spa added: new demo thermen wellness added: inner pages as elementor templates updated: acf pro to v5.9
UPDATE v1.0.2 – 12-08-2020
added: wordpress 5.5 compatibility fixed: elementor editor js issue on wordpress 5.5 updated: acf pro to v5.8.13 updated: thermen toolkit to v1.1
UPDATE v1.0.1- 26-07-2020
fixed: WooCommerce default sidebar display
v1.0 – July 2020
Initial Release