Create Project Grid

1. Create a gallery post

  1. Go to the “Gallery” admin tab and click on the “Add New Gallery” button
  2. Make sure the post have a title, featured image and at least one Gallery Category
  3. At the “Gallery Images” field add your project images for this post
  4. Save the post

2. Assign post to the grid

  1. Go to the “Essential Grid” admin tab
  2. Edit one of the 4 gallery grids by clicking the “Settings” button
  3. Click the “Source Tab” at the top
  4. Set the “Post Type” setting to Gallery
  5. At the “Category” setting select your Gallery Categories (hold ctrl button to select multiple)
  6. Save the settings with the green floppy disk button in the top right corner of the screen

3. Show grid on a page

  1. Go to the “Pages” admin tab and edit a page
  2. Add the “Essential Grid” widget to the page builder
  3. Edit the widget and from the select field choose the grid you just configured
  4. Save the page