Import Demo Content

Please install and activate all required plugins before you import the demo content !

  1. Go to Appearance → Import Demo Data
  2. You can choose to use the “SiteOrigin Page Builder” or “Elementor Page Builder” with the theme
  3. Hover the item and click the “Import Demo Data” button
  1. Click the “Continue & Import” button and wait till you see the finished notice
  1. Now all demo content except for the project/gallery grids has been imported. The grids need to be imported manually by using the included ess_grid.json file. This file can be found inside the /extra folder from the full theme package from ThemeForest:

    Please follow the steps on this page to import the ess_grid.json file: ll
    • Go to Essential Grid → Import/Export
    • Upload the “ess_grid.json” file
    • Click on “Read Selected File”
    • Then click on “Import Selected Data”

The theme is now fully installed and ready to be edited. Enjoy the theme !