Loco Translate

With the Loco Translate plugin you can translate the theme inside your WordPress installation.

Please install and activate the Loco Translate plugin, and follow the steps below:

  1. Please navigate to Loco Translate → Themes (to translate a plugin go to Loco Translate → Plugins)
  2. Click on the theme you’re currently using (or plugin name if the texts is coming from a plugin)
  3. Click on the “New Language” link
  4. Set your language from the dropdown field
  5. Set “Choose a location” to Custom and press the Start Translating button
  6. Type the word you want to translate in the search box and click on it when it appear in the list below
  7. Write your translation in the most bottom textarea (do not change the default text)
  8. Save the settings
  9. Navigate to Settings → General and set the “Site Language” option to the translation language.